Every day dangerous goods from air freshener to explosives are moved on UK roads by drivers. The majority of these hazardous loads are carried by fully licensed ADR qualified drivers but a wide range of products you wouldn’t identify as dangerous goods are still carried by your everyday truck drivers.
The movement of limited quantities of dangerous goods requires that a driver be familiar with the extensive regulations which cover this specialist area of road transport.
On Site
Dependent on Delivery Method
1 Day
The Carriage of Dangerous Goods Refresher course is a a single day where drivers are given information to be familiar with dangerous loads. From limited quantities loads to more complex movements, those who sit this course will have the basic skills to identify a dangerous load, know what to do with it, the paperwork required and the actions to be taken in the event of an incident.
Please note: This course doesn’t result in an ADR qualification and does not count for Driver CPC periodic training.